Surname - Mauve
Day of Birth - May 22nd.
Home Planet - Arkanis.
Age - 33yrs.
Height - 5'5.
Hair color - Pure White
Eye color - Light Blue.
Force Sensitive - ??
Sexuality - Bisexual { male lean }
Occupation - Imperial Weapon systems / Spacecraft Engineer officer. First Order L̶i̶e̶u̶t̶e̶n̶a̶n̶t̶ General.

You're playing a dangerous game.
An orphan ever since she was five years old, Valaris' home upon the planet Arkanis was raided by the Empire late at night.
The raid resulted in both of her parents being killed between the conflict, Valaris captured and taken by Imperial Troopers and later reconditioned.Mauve was raised under the primary care of Captain Moden Canady, adopted in secret at the age of ten. Canady kept Valaris under close watch aboard the Mandator IV-Class Siege Dreadnaught Fulminatrix for most of her childhood, having her train tirelessly days on end.Valaris graduated as one of the top within her Academy class, earning a prestigious placement aboard the Resurgent- class Star Destroyer; Finalizer. Moden Canady wasted little time having her transferred aboard the Finalizer soon after her graduation.Mauve was witness to Modens death soon after she had been transferred onto the Finalizer, watching the flames engulf his ship, however she couldn't show too much emotion to keep suspicion of their relationship as low as possible. This made her hatred for the Resistance, especially the Pilot; Poe Dameron, significantly higher.Though Valaris cannot remember her true parents, she has always wondered why the Order kept her alive and why they had taken the time to recondition and train her to the extend that they did.Perhaps there is more to her than she realizes.Perhaps... there was something hiding deep within herself.Forgotten and unknown.Strange and .....Powerful.

One you may never come back from